Headteacher's Welcome
I'd like to extend the warmest of welcomes to you and your family from all of us here at Linlithgow Primary School.
We are a caring, nurturing school where every child is welcomed and fully included and we provide the individual support that each child needs, to be happy and to achieve their best.
Our school values promote kind, respectful relationships, perseverance on task, and the need to look after the wellbeing of ourselves and of others.
Our school has a long history of providing a wide-range of learning opportunities and experiences for children, across the Curriculum and using the rich history and culture of Linlithgow, as well as the surrounding geographical areas, as a stimulus.
We provide a host of extra-curriculum clubs, based on children's interests, an ongoing programme of field trips and excursions, in the outdoor area and wider community, as well as an opportunity to take part in two residential trips.
Our school is a hive of activity each day and our children are motivated, enthusiastic learners who embrace the myriad of experiences on offer.
We hope that you enjoy being a part of our school.
Kind regards,
Miss Laura Baillie